Updating the Global Indicators

  1. Please go to GLOBAL SUMMARY Folder and find a data feed file.


Data feed is a main source file used for updating the charts in the presentation


Livelihoods > Livelihoods Monitoring Folder > GLOBAL SUMMARY> Livelihoods DATA feed



Energy > Energy Monitoring Folder > GLOBAL SUMMARY> Energy DATA feed

  1. Go to Link tab in data feed file and copy/paste the databridge file for the year you want to used



Only the countries with baseline and endline data are used to calculate the global indicators.

  1. Select Tools from the menu and click on Script Editor to open the Google Apps script.

  2. Go to the NEW.gs file and select LINK function, then run it



Running the script could take more than 30 minutes

  1. After the script is finished, the charts in powerPoint need to be updated by clicking on Tools> Linked objects> Update All
